MAY 13 - SEP. 16, 2018
Gasparrini Galleries

Forge is a Hereford College of Arts touring exhibition made in collaboration with Ruthin Craft Centre
and curated by Delyth Done.
Contemporary forged metal design is an emerging, innovative international discipline. This exhibition represents a paradigm shift from the traditional discourse of the blacksmith and breaks new ground by synthesizing and articulating the practice of creative and conceptual working with forged metal. Fifteen international metal artists whose practice has been identified as having a significant impact present their work. They represent a new wave of contemporary artists who have developed an innovative, design-led practice.

​Exhibition Catalog
Essays by Delyth Done, Heiner Zimmermann, Sarah-Jane Crowson, Tobias Birgersson, and Damian Skinner
Edited by Delyth Done and Sarah Hane Crowson
Photography by Dewi Tannatt Lloyd, Dan Haworth-Salter, and Oliver Cameron-Swan
Design by Fold Graphics

Gallery Talk with Curator, Delyth Done, and Participating Artists
Sunday, JUN. 24, 2018 3PM - 6PM
Gasparrini Galleries
Participating Artists
Egor Bavykin (Russia)
Claudio Bottero (Italy)
Ambrose Burne (Wales)
Francisco Gazitua (Chile)
Nils Hint (Estonia)
Takayoshi Komine (Japan)
Daniel Neville (USA)
Patrick Quinn (USA)
Daniel Randall (USA)
Leszek Sikon (Poland)
Richard Smith (USA)
Fred Truus (Estonia)
Christian Vaughan Jones (Wales)
Stephen Yusko (USA)
Heiner Zimmermann (Germany)
Excerpt from Multiple Perspectives:
Forged metal claims its place in contemporary culture.
Written by Delyth Done.
In recent years, the practice of artist blacksmiths has transformed. Contemporary artist blacksmiths are creating original and cohesive bodies of work, works which engage not only with the practices and forms of traditional blacksmithing, with its focus on material, process and function; but also with many broader cultural, environmental and socio-political conversations. These works bring a fresh perspective to the discipline and demand new critical consideration, giving focus to an international community of artist blacksmithing driven by ideas and concept as much as by process and material.
The title ‘Forge’ embodies something of the tension and complexity we see both in the contemporary profession of artist blacksmithing and in the works. Forge points to an exhibition characterised by a process and a material; the forging of hot metal is at the heart of all this work. Forge as a noun also evokes centuries old ideas and practices of blacksmith, hearth and anvil, which have a place in literature and myth as well as social and economic narratives past and present. When it is used as a verb, forge is often used in the context of driven change and innovation: ‘to forge ahead’ or forge something new, the objects here all represent the work of artists concerned with originality and the context of the contemporary world in which they live.
The aim of this exhibition is not to undervalue the skills and traditions that underpin contemporary artist blacksmithing but to capture this new contemporary and forward-facing perspective. Together the selected makers and their work present us with a series of conversations that speak to both tradition and the contemporary crafts landscape; each forged metal object is unique, reflecting the individual practice of each maker. However, all share an emphasis on material, process and concept that represents the power, quality and contemporary relevance of artists who work at the forge.

Egor Bavykin 2017 Steel

Claudio Bottero 2017 Forged stainless steel

Ambrose Burn 2016 Forged steel

Francisco Gazitua 2013 Forged, fabricated steel

Nils Hint 2017 Forged iron from ready-made components, gilding

Christian Vaughan Jones 2017 Forged steel, portland limestone

Takayoshi Komine 2014 Forged Gibeon Meteorite iron

Daniel Neville 2016 Forged and fabricated steel

Patrick Quinn 2017 Forged steel, brass

Daniel Randall 2017 Forged steel, wood

Leszek Sikon 2016 Forged ammunition from First and Second World Wars, hickory wood

Richard Smith 2017 Repoussé steel, rust patina

Fred Truus 2015 Forged steel

Stephen Yusko 2017 Forged, machined and fabricated steel, glass, wood Photo courtesy of the Artist